Longman IELTS Practice Test Plus
What’s special about Longman Ielts Practice Tests Plus?
* Reassure your students with task specific hints and tips on how to get the right answer
* Each book has a number of additional ‘plus’ features including grammar and vocabulary practice, functions banks and FAQs
* Reassure your students with task specific hints and tips on how to get the right answer
* Each book has a number of additional ‘plus’ features including grammar and vocabulary practice, functions banks and FAQs
Teacher Support
* Increase both your and your students’ knowledge of the relevant examination with the exam overview section
* Create exam conditions in your classroom using the sample OMR answer sheets
* Make your marking easy with the answer key and tape script.
* Create exam conditions in your classroom using the sample OMR answer sheets
* Make your marking easy with the answer key and tape script.
Download Longman IELTS Practice Test Plus- Bạn nhớ đổi đuôi *.ebta thành *.rar và password là ebooktienganh.com nhéPass: ebooktienganh.com
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